Things To Check Before Choosing a Custom Software Development Partner

Enterprises of all sizes need a good mix of different software and applications to automate their processes. In our previous blog ‘5 Benefits Of Bespoke Software Development’, we have already discussed why custom-made software is a more suitable, cost-effective and robust alternative to off-the-shelf software. In the global marketplace, the use of bespoke technology has now become a sure-shot way of gaining a competitive advantage. But the real challenge most enterprises face is when choosing the right partner to outsource their technology requirements to. As an extension to that blog, today we will discuss the things you need to keep in mind when choosing a development partner for your custom software project.

1. Reviews and References

People you know personally or people from your professional network are some of the best sources to ask references from. Additionally, scout B2B review and rating sites such as Clutch, Glassdoor, Sourcelysis, AppFuture, etc. would be very helpful in painting a picture of how well the company has handled similar projects in the past. Browsing through official social pages (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) of the companies would also not be a bad idea, as it will give you an idea of the company, culture, knowledge capabilities, etc. And most importantly, never forget Google. Sometimes, a simple Google search might tell you what no one or nothing else can.

2. Check their Portfolio

A company’s portfolio is always a good confidence builder for a service seeker. Enquire well about the previous projects, challenges faced and problems addressed to understand the scope and capabilities of the development team. Aside from completed and deployed projects, also request a peek into projects currently under development, as the technology scene keeps changing all the times and you will need a partner who can keep up and adapt. Many companies maintain a blog on their website. Reading through the blogs and other content on the company website will give you a fair bit of idea of the company’s technical knowledge and expertise. The company’s social media pages are a good indication of how well the company keeps up with the latest happenings in the industry, news and trends, etc.

3. Requirement Understanding

When you are pitching your requirement to the development partner, ensure that the delivery partner shows you a user story for your requirement. An ideal development partner will analyse your business needs by evaluating the gaps, problems and pain points, and discussing the possible solutions with you. This will give you confidence that the potential vendor has understood your requirement.

4. NDA

Before moving things ahead, insist on an NDA, which protects the confidential information that will be shared during the project. Your data, which is your intellectual property, would be handled by the vendor, and its confidentiality is of utmost importance.

5. Budget

Your custom software development partner and you must be on the same page when it comes to the size and cost of your project. Decide the deadline for the project and insist on making it a part of the contract. Ensure that the partner is agreeing to the deadline, but also giving your team enough time for orientation and onboarding, to get used to the new system.

6. Timeline

Similarly, your partner also needs to understand your budgetary requirements and limits. Before approaching a company to partner with, consider the cost of the project and its implementation, and how much ROI you can get from it. Stay away from companies that compromise on quality to offer their services at a lower cost, as well as from companies who bloat the size and price of your project with unnecessary add-ons.

7. Methodology and Workflow

Instead of going for a full and final delivery system, pick a company that does sprints. If a company has divided a project into sprints, it would be able to demo it to you in phases. This allows you to chime in with important inputs/suggestions on the go. And for this reason, a company that follows agile or similar delivery models is a preferable choice, as it makes easy for them to adapt to changing requirements without losing out on the delivery deadlines, while also maintaining a clear channel of communication with you.

8. Tools

Understand from the service provider the tools they use for internal communication and project management. You will be able to gauge the level of sophistication and transparency the vendor brings to the table. If your prospective business partner uses industry-standard or higher tools such as:

i) Slack or Skype for communication
ii) Balsamiq or for wireframe design
iii) Trello for project management
iv) Buffer or Hootsuite for digital marketing
v) Apple, Adobe, Google or Microsoft Suite of products, etc.,

then you can rest assured that the project is in good hands.

9. Security and Communication

While sprints can have deadlines and budgets can have limits, there can be no quantification of a company’s trust factor. While you have to go with your gut and experience on that front, there are a few steps you can follow. Ensure that you pick a software delivery partner who has regular security and network audits in place. The partner should be able to keep your data safe and private. Additionally, an ideal partner would provide you with a single point-of-contact (such as a dedicated account manager or a project manager) to ensure regular and transparent communication between both the parties.

10. Support and Maintenance

As is the nature of the universe, nothing is perfect. Neither will your custom-made software be. To ensure continued service after deployment to fix bugs, maintain and upgrade systems, enquire well about a post-deployment service and maintenance contract.

Why Telemerge Is Your Ideal Bespoke Software Development Partner

Telemerge IT Services empowers businesses by designing and building custom software solutions that align with your business goals and requirements. At Telemerge, we steadfastly believe in delivering quality solutions through our trademark mix of agile approach and flexible delivery model with real and measurable results. With Telemerge as your custom software development partner, you can be assured that all the above checkboxes will be ticked. Link to bespoke.

To get your custom project started, get in touch with us now.


Pooja Bangad

Technical Director,
Telemerge IT, Pune

5 Benefits of Bespoke Software Development

The old adage ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ does not apply to business processes. Business processes need constant upgrading and progressive automation. Businesses often invest in software solutions that can streamline their work processes to optimum efficiency. Using technology effectively allows businesses to increase productivity, make operations more efficient and maximize resources. Software for business is usually divided into two categories: packaged and bespoke.

Packaged software suites are bought off the shelf or from a company that makes and supplies them. Despite its advantages such as lower costs and quicker turnaround time, packaged software has its limitations. This has sparked greater demand for customized software, which is tailor-made and designed to suit the requirements of an organization.

Customized or bespoke software solutions are designed and built in such a way that the design and functionality are (mostly) unique to the business that has commissioned for it to be made.


Here are 5 benefits you can reap by opting for bespoke software solutions:


Bespoke software makes the flow of information easier between departments and processes, thus streamlining operations. Organizational processes change over time and bespoke software makes it easier to adapt to these changes. This is because this software is developed to align with the business process.


As a business grows, business requirements change, and off-the-shelf software products will be rendered useless once these changes come into effect. When you hire a software development firm to create bespoke solutions for your business, they build a solution that is ready to scale as needed.


Off-the-shelf products are proprietary products of the vendor selling them. A bespoke software product is created specifically for your organization and hence you are in complete control and ownership of the product. The product is designed to align with your brand identity and business requirement, thus allowing you to dictate the functionality of the product.


Mid-scale or larger organizations use more than one automation and management software to run their processes. Customized solutions ensure these applications can also be integrated into the larger scheme of things as required by the company.


When you opt for an off-the-shelf solution, you’re one of the many customers buying it from the vendor. The vendor has a common customer care line defined for all the customers, which often can be frustrating and long-winded to get through. With bespoke solutions, the company also offers a maintenance contract, which means that every bug or problem is addressed on a personal level. Most companies offer support and maintenance with bespoke solutions, which can be extended over time going ahead. This ensures your bespoke solution is up-to-date, free of bugs and fine-tuned to suit your changing necessities.

Opting for bespoke software development is a smart strategy as it ensures your company has complete ownership of the product. It is a great long-term investment that is tailored to support your current requirements as well as future upgrades.


Telemerge IT Services is one of India’s leading bespoke software solutions providers. We are experts in developing web and mobile solutions and software products that align seamlessly with the objectives of our customers’ businesses.

We create studied and focussed bespoke software for companies that are looking for scalable and modular solutions. Our solutions are in complete ownership of your company and we offer top-class support and maintenance post-deployment.